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Founder's Note.

The Founder of WM

David Khoo

Founder / CEO

BSc. Electrical & Computing Engineering
State University of New York at Buffalo, NY USA


20 years in leadership positions.


Responsible in bringing cutting edge technology to market in various vertical industries including medical

devices, energy industry and agriculture technology.


Co-Founder of portable 3D visualization imaging system and radar processing engineering for UAV.


And an Aikido martial artist holding the rank of 3rd Dan.

Welcome to Wira Mobility where we strife to make you a believer of riding an Electric Vehicle. The trend of EV adoption is rapidly rising globally. Malaysia is no stranger to EVs, in fact, we have people importing Tesla cars before it is officially available. I believe EV users can attest to the fun that the ride could offer, instant torque, a lot quieter and smooth.


But as for me, I love the fact that I do not need to warm it up every now and then when not in use, particularly with dirt bikes. Yes, the roaring sound from the exhausts excites riders, however, after riding with the electric dirt bike myself, I could now hear my surroundings better and be more alert. I can better appreciate the sound of nature and yet do not disturb the livings including animals. And plus, I can learn to ride a lot faster.


I hope more riders in Malaysia as well as the surrounding countries could keep their options open and try it out themselves before deciding. Wira Mobility is here for your consideration and offers only high performance EVs. We encourage riders of all levels to give us a call, give ME a call and I would happily arrange a session for your testing. There are a lot more potentials to discover and ASEAN countries are blessed with many beautiful trails to choose from.


Let's Ride responsibly and sustainably together.

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